INFOMIR: We deliver to within Europe area. Payment by card or PayPal. Also we have US store
We ship internationally via DHL express or FedEx priority. All shipments are fully insured for their full value. Each shipment will include the original invoice, which will include serial number, payment, and shipping information. On request, we can also use your FedEx or DHL account for shipping. Please keep in mind that we are not responsible for any Customs or postal delays in the country of destination. We guarantee quick processing time only from our shipping facility. You will be provided with tracking information on the day of shipment. International customers: different countries have different Customs duties and/or taxes. Recipients of imported parcels are responsible for any customs fees and/or taxes levied by their respective countries, which will be collected locally. Please consult the appropriate customs website. Visa/MasterCard and PayPal are all accepted. All orders paid by company or personal checks are subject to a 3-day hold before shipping. In rare cases, we reserve the right to request additional Credit Card holder information, such as a copy of the driver’s license or another form of ID, a scanned copy of the credit card, and a copy of the credit card statement, in order to prevent unauthorized transactions. We reserve the right to cancel any order and refund payment if the transaction security policy is not adhered to.